Saturday, May 16, 2015

Instagram & Periscope Are Considered Travel Essentials

Application developers never run out of new flicks for the social media society. And most travel-inclined people use all of the available social media places to share their journeys and experiences via photos. I admit, I’m a huge Instagramer myself, and I find it interesting how me and my fellow travelers could share and like travel photos in one neat place (Instagram). This is also informative and helpful, and at the same time, it’s solely encouraging.

Yet, Instagram has been on for a while, and for some reason, there’s always a better way to connect to people (strangers and acquaintances) on the Internet. Let’s get straight to the point – what Twitter has launched for its users is amongst the most fun ways to share, not still images, but live images …. The Periscope!

Have you ever heard of the Periscope? It’s a new application that uses live streaming, so you could watch videos, of Twitter users – those you follow and also from the global population. Periscope lets you broadcast live video to the world. Going live will instantly notify your followers who can join, comment and send you hearts in real time. The more hearts you get, the higher they flutter on the screen.

I was introduced to Periscope a few hours ago, and as soon as I logged in to my Twitter account, I started viewing videos from people around the world, in real time. So here’s a collection of some screenshots I took on Periscope.

First, I went to sail with models to the Bahamas;
I was taken to London, and Sicily for a walk;
Visited Graceland and stood next to the Presleys' graves;
Drove around Bristol; and finally
Watched the concrete jungle of NYC!

Friday, January 09, 2015

Where Would 2015 Take You To?

There has been so much in the past four years, although I was only able to go and see several countries, and yet the places are mounting! I would say, I was just so privileged to see some beautiful spots that were not even mentioned in most travel guides, that I myself made a research, and when I got there it was worth visiting.

As a huge fan of theme parks, I don’t get tired going to some of the famous such as Disneyland and Universal Studios. What I like most aside from the views are the rides, yes, the RIDES! Now, I’m going to share you my own list of best theme parks or simply parks that I’ve been.

In no particular order:

Hong Kong Disneyland
Universal Studios Singapore
Everland (South Korea)
Chocolate Ville (Thailand)
Palio (Thailand)
Ocean Park Hong Kong

Not all of the above-mentioned parks offer rides but I have enjoyed good food and great sight seeing experience too. And as a part-time traveler, I always crave to get my passport stamped as much as I can. However, there is no itinerary yet for this year, or I may say I am still on the wait for upcoming good deals and who knows! So for me, new year brings new journey. Where would 2015 take you to?