You will find here answers to common questions related to travel.

Q: What is a travel blog?

A: A travel blog, also known as travel literature typically records the experiences of an author touring a place for the pleasure of travel.


Q: What are the advantages to travel solo?

A: If you travel solo,
  • you don't share your budget with anyone.
  • you don't have to deal with lousy companions.
  • it's easier to make friends with the locals.
  • you have more space to make your trip entirely your own.
  • you will be far more flexible than non-solo travelers.
  • you are free to do whatever you want to do.


Q: When is the best time to travel?

A: Visiting a place you haven't been before basically requires your availability. If you have a secular job, make sure to file for a vacation leave at least a month before your planned departure. It is also wise to consider the season or weather of the country or place you are visiting (I always find spring to be an excellent travel season). Also, make sure you have already saved enough when you finally decided to travel. Find great deals on hotels and airline tickets (airfares are always cheap during school days, so grab that chance for best deals).

Q: How to pack for a travel light?

A:Traveling, especially air travel, has become increasingly complex in these times of uncertain international security. It is almost always best to travel light, so that you can avoid unnecessary delays, and get to your destination most efficiently.

Find sample packing checklists here [Wikihow]
