
gwenisworldTM is a trademark and the official name of my travel blog that serves as my personal diary [although updated periodically] to document my past adventures. It is ought to inspire, empower, and encourage everyone to get out of their comfort zones and start exploring the world. As a curious traveler, I'd love to discover - not only the famous places and food but also the culture and history that lie behind each place [country] that I visit. Loving both nature and modern architecture, native and urban, and everything that composes a certain destination is all worth seeing and remembering.

My overseas itinerary commenced in 2011, when I first traveled with my family, and since the travel bug has bitten me hard way back in my younger years, the urge to suffice it's hunger has been one of my goals, and perhaps a dream to live on.

And yes, I'm a serious rubberneck!

About Me

Name: Gwen Lachica-Selent
Occupation: Certified oDesk Contractor
Location: Cebu, Philippines
Interests: Travel part-time, my Shih Tzu dog, Instagram

All content and images are personal property of gwenisworldTM. Downloading any of the materials from this website is prohibited.
